Kirsty's having a boy!
So to celebrate the "Baby Shower" she made these gorgeous cupcakes
Her theme was obviously blue but with lots of polka dots
She cooked the cakes directly into the cute paper holders and the colours of icing was just perfect(Dont you just love blue with brown)
The sweetest polka dot cloth and tuille with my yellow roses for the final touch (providing the contrast so as not to be twee)
Even my blue china had polka dots altho not easily seen in these pics
They played the funniest game of pin the ?
Yesterday i had such fun picking up her present for when he arrives ( I think she'll love the dots and stripes)
Perfectly matching teddy bear soap
A book!
One must always remember books!!!!!
Cutest elephant paper that can be used later in frames or scrapbooking
Can't wait till he comes now!